Work Parties

Throughout the year there are plenty of jobs that need doing at the Woodland Park and in Rowdon Valley Wood both to maintain and conserve the sites, but also to undertake new projects. Most of the activities take place in the winter when plants are dormant and there is no danger of disturbing nesting birds, and various dates are arranged for volunteers to come along and have a good work-out in the open air, and at the same time contribute to something constructive for the Trust and the community.

Regular On-going Tasks and Activities
Mowing the Woodland Park (March to October) using the Trust’s ride-on mower. This is operated on a rota basis with each of the “Formula-1” mowing team typically doing two or three sessions over the summer.

Managing the trees and shrubs, – pruning, staking, thinning and felling

Cutting and strimming in the Woodland Park around seats, along the arena seating, around the main entrance, and in Rowdon Valley Wood keeping the paths clear

Hedge trimming – mainly an autumn activity (supporting the main contracted hedge cutting by tractor)

Hay making – cutting and clearing the hay from the wildflower meadow area (usually in September)

Boardwalk and bridge maintenance in Rowdon Valley Wood

Current Projects

Anyone is very welcome to come along and help – and apart from the satisfaction of doing the job itself, you will also be rewarded with coffee and flapjacks at elevenses! Not all jobs require strength and stamina, there are plenty of less strenuous tasks that need doing. Details of planned working parties will be updated on the website, and for those of you who would like to be directly informed please provide your e-mail address and you will be included in the e-mail circulation providing advance notice of work party dates.


Mowing Team: Mike Harding 01647-252130
Other Work Parties: David Price 01647 252181